Eating Meat Is Good For You!
Eating Meat Is Good For You!
We understand the desire to go vegan. By eating plants and avoiding animal products, a person can feel squeaky clean and morally superior. Sure, making that choice is better for the environment but at some point you really have to ask yourself: “is this lifestyle actually good for me?” The answer is: no. Strictly plant-based diets are dangerous and potentially unhealthy.
In fact, these dietary choices could land you in the hospital or worse! In order to be healthy, people need high-quality protein from animal sources like red meat and eggs. Not only are these diet staples rich in vitamins and minerals but they also contain essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. These proteins repair damaged cells, build muscle tissue (which makes up approximately 20% of your body weight), maintain immune function, support brain health and much more!
Even though soy products provide comparable amounts of protein per serving (4g vs 5g), plant proteins have an incomplete amino acid profile which means that they don’t contain all 9 essential amino acids that your body needs from food sources. While it’s true you can consume all the nutrients found in animal products by eating a variety of plants throughout the day – it’s incredibly difficult if not impossible with modern lifestyles as well as inconvenient for some people who may have allergies or sensitivities towards certain fruits/vegetables/nuts/legumes (soy included).
Meat contains much-needed protein
Proteins are essential for building muscle, repairing tissue, healing injuries and maintaining healthy skin. They are also crucial to brain function, hormone production and cell repair. A lack of protein can cause fatigue, weakness and weight loss. Protein is also important for energy production because it’s one of the three macronutrients (along with carbohydrates and fat) that provide us with energy when we eat them.
Meat helps you build muscle
It’s no secret that protein is needed for muscle growth, but people often forget that meat is a good source of this macronutrient. Meat provides approximately 20% of the recommended daily intake of protein per serving, which is more than some other sources of animal-based protein like eggs and nuts. Meat also contains iron, zinc and creatine—all crucial for building muscle mass. Zinc helps your body produce testosterone (a key hormone in building muscles) while iron allows oxygen to reach your muscles so they can perform at their best during exercise sessions.
Iron deficiency can occur when you have too little iron—and this deficiency can lead to anemia, which will slow down any progress you’ve made toward getting stronger or bigger muscles. To prevent iron deficiency from slowing down the growth process, try eating more red meat (especially grass-fed beef) or taking a supplement containing vitamin C with your meals; both these foods help increase absorption rates by boosting stomach acid production.”
Eating meat can boost your brain activity
B12 is a vitamin found in animal products. It’s necessary for the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and adrenaline.
Creatine is another nutrient found only in animal products that’s necessary for the production of neurotransmitters.
L-carnitine helps transport fatty acids into the mitochondria (the “powerhouse” of your cells), where they can be burned for energy—but it can’t do its job without meat!
Taurine is yet another nutrient found only in red meat that supports brain function by strengthening neural pathways and preventing oxidative damage to brain tissue caused by free radicals.
Meat is a source of much needed iron
Iron is an essential mineral that helps your body create healthy red blood cells. It’s also important for cell growth and development, immune system function, muscle strength, brain function and more. Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world—and it’s a big problem because it can lead to anemia if left untreated (1).
Iron deficiency is especially common among women and children (2). Pregnant women need extra iron because their bodies require so much of this mineral while they’re building up their baby’s blood supply (3). Women who have heavy periods also tend to be at risk of developing iron deficiency due to loss of blood during menstruation (4). Children aren’t born with enough iron stored in their bodies; they need additional sources such as meat until they reach adulthood when they’re able to produce enough on their own (5).
Meat is good for your circulatory system
Meat is a source of iron, which your body needs to produce red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout your body. Without enough iron, your circulatory system will weaken and you won’t be able to produce enough energy for your brain or muscles. Iron also helps to maintain the health of your bones and teeth by reducing the risk of osteoporosis—a condition in which loss of bone mass increases the risk of fractures—in women after menopause.
In addition to its role as an essential mineral in human metabolism, meat can also contribute important B vitamins such as thiamine (B-1) and riboflavin (B-2).
Eating meat keeps you full for longer periods of time.
The food you eat is what makes up your body, so it’s important to make sure that the food you put into your body is nourishing. Eating meat can be a great way to get the protein, iron and B vitamins that we need to stay healthy!
Protein is a macronutrient—one of three nutrients (carbohydrates, fats and protein) that provide energy and build muscle in our bodies. Meat is one of the best sources of protein because it contains all nine essential amino acids required by humans for growth and repair of tissues. Protein helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails while also helping with weight loss by filling us up longer than other nutrients do like carbohydrates or fats would do if they were eaten instead. You wouldn’t want to eat just any old piece of chicken though; instead try making sure each meal has at least one piece per person so everyone gets their fair share without wasting any leftovers!
When consumed in moderation, meat can be good for you.
When consumed in moderation, meat can be good for you. It’s important to keep this in mind when making choices about how much meat you eat and what types of meat you consume.
If your diet doesn’t include a lot of meat, consider replacing some of your meals with other protein sources such as eggs or tofu. If you’re used to eating a lot of meats, try portioning out smaller amounts so that they don’t go bad before they’re eaten. Don’t be afraid to experiment with cooking methods: grilling is generally better than frying; marinating will help tenderize tougher cuts; searing locks in moisture while preserving flavor; high heat will make proteins more digestible (so long as it’s not too long). There are lots of ways to cook up yummy dishes that won’t make your tummy feel heavy after dinner!
So there you have it. There are plenty of reasons why eating meat is good for you, and almost as many ways to enjoy it! Just make sure you’re aware of the potential issues that can come with a diet high in red meats, but don’t let those concerns stop you from enjoying this delicious and nutritious meal.